Family Disease Models States This Individual Is Achievement Oriented and Later Becomes a Workaholic.
Diligence, diligence, dedication, responsibility, conscientiousness - these are qualities that inspire respect and respect in society. The presence of such character traits is often nowadays in the employer's requirements for the employee, and many contemporaries are trying with all their might to transform their personality to larn such beneficial backdrop.
However, there is a separate grouping of people whose bulldoze to work goes beyond the natural passion for the work process and diligent functioning of their duties. This aberrant urge to overwork is a form of compulsive addiction - and is chosen workaholism. Individuals suffering from morbid work addiction are called "workaholics."
Not more than one-half a century ago, the presence of excessive industriousness in a person was perceived in order extremely favorably, and workaholism was not considered as a form of psychological addiction. Yet, numerous Scientific research completely shattered the myth that workaholism is a favorable personality trait that allows the subject field to attain high success in building a career or move apace upwards the career ladder. Today, workaholism is classified equally contained class disorders of drives and behavior, since such dependence is irrational, uncontrollable and obsessive.
Workaholism is recorded with the aforementioned frequency in both men and women. The main group of workaholics are people of mature age who alive in urban conditions. Amongst the villagers, agile labor activeness is more an indicator of the way of life, it is an urgent demand than the dependence of the villager on the passion to work.
The master manifestation of this type of addiction is a person's perception of his work activity as the only existing way of self-realization. The workflow for a workaholic is a method to satisfy one'southward ambitions, to achieve recognition in society, a means to bring a feeling of happiness. For such an individual, his piece of work activity is the most significant value, overshadows personal relationships and friendly contacts, hobbies and hobbies, leisure and entertainment.
Labor for such a subject is a specific "shield" that protects him from everyday natural troubles. However, once hiding behind such a "shield" - piece of work, having experienced a feeling of pleasure from the activities being carried out, the demand to piece of work is transformed over time into an obsessive addiction. The labor process not just carries away and captures the subject, simply becomes the just "lifeline" rewarding with euphoria.
Depriving a workaholic of the opportunity to do work means that the longed-for pleasure is unattainable. This lack of work causes a real "withdrawal", reminiscent of the withdrawal state with alcoholism. At the aforementioned fourth dimension, pleasant events familiar to people exercise not go a real culling for a workaholic: just as an alcoholic is looking for a mode to have some other dose of alcohol, so a subject with a passion to work is looking for whatever opportunity to do business organization.
With workaholism, a person ceases to fairly take intendance of his health, ignores signs of somatic diseases and psychological problems. Due to excessive professional person loads, lack of residual, the workaholic is in a state of chronic stress, the outcome of which is serious disruptions in the work of organs and systems. A frequent companion of workaholism is asthenic status, depressive disorders, phobic fears and exhausting indisposition.
The result of workaholism is a variety of social problems: a narrowing of the circumvolve of friends, an unfavorable climate in the family, the inability to adapt a personal life. The workaholic "runs abroad to work", because he cannot solve the existing psychological problems in relationships with people in a constructive way, he is not able to eliminate the internal conflict. He loses the ability to fully communicate with members of the man community, retiring from lodge in his work, which leads to the development of pregnant personality defects.
Signs of workaholism
It is rather hard for a non-specialist to make up one's mind whether a person is a dependent workaholic, or whether a person'south service zeal is justified by a specific personality structure. Withal, a close look at the field of study's lifestyle and behavior reveals one pregnant oddity, which can be represented by the phrase: "work is all life." Let'due south describe a portrait of a person who has become a victim of workaholism.
A diligent and diligent person is interested in the results of his labor, since this is a way to create some kind of material goods that are irreplaceable for life. A hardworking person enjoys the very procedure of performing activities, since work allows them to prove their abilities, develop new qualities, and receive recognition from club. For a workaholic, it does not fundamentally matter what the issue of the classes will be, whether information technology volition permit him to move i step forrard in his development. The workflow is both the merely bachelor manner to fill the fourth dimension, and the ways to feel like a happy person.
A person addicted to workaholism loses the ability to considerately assess his condition: he convinces himself that he is working for some abstract goal. He does not understand that the path of occupational therapy is a dead end, and he is unlikely to be able to realize himself as a person.
A person suffering from workaholism is sincerely convinced that happiness is work. Performing some tasks, the individual feels vigorous, energetic, confident. If the matter is nearing the cease, the workaholic is overcome with anxiety, he experiences disappointment and sadness. If in the future he does not smoothen new occupations, he panics, becomes gloomy and irritable.
Often, a workaholic is characterized by excessive thoroughness in work, the desire to do everything flawlessly, the desire to exist "perfect". He often finds it difficult to brand a choice, carefully weighs the pros and cons, and gets stuck on trifles for a long time. He stubbornly, even stubbornly, moves towards the goal, but due to the fact that he gives great importance to irrelevant details, he does not achieve outstanding success.
Even later a busy day at work, the subject area cannot switch to another activity. During meals and "forced" residuum, all his thoughts are focused on planning future activities... The workaholic does not sympathize the very essence of leisure and is very afraid of the upcoming weekend or vacation. The emerging state of "doing nil", for instance, due to one'due south own illness, leads a person to severe depression with thoughts about the hopelessness of existence.
Torn away from work by external circumstances, the field of study feels unnecessary and restless. During forced idleness, a person can indulge in other extremes: drink drunkenly, lose coin in a casino, start promiscuous romance novels. After retirement, a workaholic often turns into a hypochondriac: he begins to overly intendance about his ain wellness, look for symptoms of some incurable disease and beat doctors' doorsteps.
In the circle of shut people, a workaholic is a gloomy, uncompromising, irritable person. He cannot understand what his relatives want from him, ignores the desires and needs of other family members. He prefers to "contact" inanimate objects, every bit this takes less energy costs than communication with people.
Since all thoughts of a workaholic are focused on work, he is not able to perform whatsoever household duties or simply communicate with children. For him, dinner with his family or attending an entertainment issue is an rising to the burn down of the Inquisition.
At the same time, all activities that are not related to work are perceived past the workaholic as aimless and useless pastime. This person does not spend fourth dimension with friends and does not commence on dear adventures. Tales of dear diplomacy, football matches, angling or hunting provoke his outrage.
In the vocabulary of a subject suffering from workaholism, phrases are often nowadays: "I must," "I demand," "I promised." Quite often, such a person sets himself unrealistic goals that cannot be achieved. The workaholic perceives natural mistakes due to the affluence of simultaneously performed tasks equally a personal tragedy.
He believes that he is an indispensable worker, then he strives to live upwardly to the ideal that he has invented. The dominant feeling of such a person is irrational feet: he is afraid to make a mistake, to "lose face up". He is kept in abiding tension by the fearfulness that he will be defendant of incompetence, frivolity, irresponsibility. This feeling of anxiety is the cause of insomnia and nightmares.
Attempts have been made to dissever workaholics into separate groups, however, such classifications more convey personality traits, rather than reflect the single essence of dependence, therefore, within the framework of this article, the described types will not be presented in detail. Let's bespeak out one of the most objective classifications based on the level of self-esteem of the individual. Allocate:
- work addicts (low self-esteem);
- chore enthusiasts (slight baloney of self-esteem);
- enthusiastic addicts (self-esteem, close to adequate).
Reasons for workaholism
Equally with other types of addictions, at that place is no single reason for starting workaholism. The development of habit takes identify in a particular person forth his own individual path. However, all addictions are formed with one intention: the subject is trying to find a loophole in the dullness of everyday life, through which i can "escape" to an alternative "globe" and notice a special "happy" state.
In some people, workaholism is a result of an experienced traumatic state of affairs, the negative imprints of which force them to resort to a protective mechanism - the behavior of escape. For instance, a person could non competently cope with stress after a divorce from his wife or does not want to piece of work on changing his own worldview, so he is trying to hide from mental suffering at piece of work.
Some other group of workaholics became fond to work due to abnormal babyhood weather. For example: the kid grew up in a large family where the father is an alcoholic, and the mother is a victim carrying an unbearable burden. The toddler takes steps to get the antipode of his father, striving to be like a working female parent. He studies diligently, is actively involved in sports, and finds employment early on. He sets very loftier standards for himself and refuses to remainder, just to compensate for the flaws of the drinking parent that disturb him.
Another negative childish mental attitude is the parental directive: "all happiness is in money." The kid sees from a personal example that in social club to achieve a skilful material level, his begetter has to work 24 hours a mean solar day (or the child explains to himself the reason for the constant absence of his father-businessman). Identifying himself with the parent, the child eventually forms a fix idea: to be no less successful and rich than the father. Even without achieving any significant results, a mature private very diligently creates a type of employment and finds himself in the slavery of workaholism.
Another reason for workaholism is soul emptiness personality, when the individual cannot fill his earth with some positive moments. He'southward merely bored of living and doesn't know what to fill up free time... Work, like a lifesaver, comes to the rescue, first giving pleasance, and then pulling in the net.
Workaholism is a frequent consequence of perfectionism and pedantry. A person, trying to do everything in the best possible fashion, constantly checks himself, improves his methods of work, strives to improve quality. A workaholic does not trust himself, then he is set to constantly live by work in lodge to prove that he is capable of something.
Coping methods
Since workaholism is a form of mental addiction, this addiction cannot exist overcome in 1 day with the help of some kind of phenomenon pill. Drug treatment plays a secondary role, aimed at strengthening nervous arrangement, stabilization of emotional status, elimination of feet and fears.
The leading role in the treatment of workaholism is given to psychotherapeutic piece of work aimed at social adaptation of a person. The success of therapeutic measures is possible only under the condition: the subject recognizes the aberration of his condition and is prepare to make efforts to bring about changes in life.
The chore of the psychologist: to motivate the customer to communicate in society, to stimulate involvement in activities other than piece of work. The doctor explains to the workaholic that his addiction is a variant of escape from reality, which arose due to an unresolved psychological trouble. The goal of the psychologist is, together with the client, to establish the true culprit of the internal conflict and to try to interpret the traumatic situation in a different way. In some situations, it is advisable to resort to hypnosis techniques to eliminate the irrational components of addiction.
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Almost every person is familiar with the state of such enthusiasm for his work that all thoughts are only about her, and in general there is a desire to bring a folding bed to the workplace and alive at that place. But for the majority, this state chop-chop passes - when it is possible to realize what was conceived, or, conversely, the enthusiasm passes. But in that location are people who live in this state all the fourth dimension and consider work their life - workaholics.
What is the word, eh? Almost like alcoholics. Although it would seem that it'southward bad, well, a person likes his job, and he's expert for his health ...
Hither are merely sorry statistics prove that those who are "on fire" at work are much more than at risk of cardiovascular disease, and all considering of overloading the body and constant stress. Well, every bit without stress, if you are worried about piece of work, and then the brick was not delivered, then the partners let you down.
Scientifically almost workaholism
For the first time the term "workaholism" was introduced by the American psychologist Due west. Outson back in 1971. He gave this concept the following definition: "passionate peckish for work; a stiff, uncontrollable demand to work continuously. "
Mod psychologists add that in club to be chosen workaholism, our love for our work must be chronic and interfere with the realization of a person in other areas of life.
Well, many of us have a favorite manner of escaping reality, and for workaholics it lies in excessive fixation at work, which becomes not a ways of cocky-realization and non an economic necessity, only "the but outlet".
The manifestation and evolution of workaholism is influenced by both internal and external factors. Which?
The causes of workaholism:
- Personal qualities. Workaholics take some common character traits that allow us to talk nearly a certain blueprint. These are perfectionism, compulsiveness (attraction to sure actions), system, hard work, perseverance, orientation towards achievement and success, also as over-responsibility, because of which a person volition never dare to delegate his responsibilities and will do everything he can on his ain.
- National characteristics, culture, social attitudes. Anybody knows that in Japan, too as in many Asian countries, workaholism has become an integral feature of every inhabitant: such a national tradition - to "sew up" at work. In our culture, frankly, this is not accepted, but in sure sectors of society it is also considered a prerequisite for professional person and social success.
- Corporate civilization. Honestly - I don't know where this cult of workaholism came from in large Western corporations. There is a suspicion that this is the handiwork of cunning top managers who came up with this method of non-financial motivation of employees: simply instill in everyone that a constant rush and deadline is a normal working authorities, and if yous desire to achieve something, yous will well-nigh have to live in the office. CEOs of companies do this, and then their subordinates begin to follow the aforementioned role models. Another incentive for workaholism is tough internal contest.
- General addiction. Work addiction is also an addiction, and a socially approved ane. If a person is prone to addictive behavior (that is, using habitual stimuli to get positive emotions), then he will observe himself a source of pleasure - if not work, then games, sex, or something else. What is the thrill of intensive work? Hours of intense work in the presence of stimulation (expectation of financial reward or praise from the leadership, high interest in the task existence performed, etc.) contributes to the release of adrenaline, and then to a land of euphoria.
Then information technology turns out that workaholism, despite the obvious adverse consequences (fatigue, stress, family unit troubles), from a psychological point of view, has its own benefits: a sense of self-worth, career success, financial independence. Well, among other things, going headlong into work is a great way to distract yourself from some unpleasant moments of your ain life.
How does information technology develop?
Stages of development of workaholism:
- Mobilization phase (heroic). A ascent in forcefulness, a surge of free energy: a person faces new tasks for which some kind of reward is promised: encouragement or, conversely, a negative incentive - the possibility of dismissal, for example. (Past the manner, coin at this phase does not play only a decisive role). The trunk in such a situation is so mobilized that information technology ceases to be susceptible to negative factors: in this state, a person can calmly resist illnesses and slumber 5 hours a day. Subjectively, such a moment is perceived past the employee as a period of the highest realization of his own potential. Of course, it's prissy: who doesn't want to experience similar a hero? A positive mental attitude during this period concerns not but one's own person, just also those around him: colleagues seem competent, clients seem pleasant, bosses seem off-white. Nonetheless, the higher the euphoria, the more oppressive the state of recession will be after information technology - and this state will surely come up when stress hormones begin to be removed from the blood to reduce tone. Recommendations: at the stage of mobilization, it is extremely important not to forget about residuum - no thing how much you want to forget about sleep and rush in total sail to achieve your goal. And one more thing: become prepare for the fact that this fantastic power to work volition soon go out y'all, and yous will not exist able not just to turn the world upside down, but to complete the written report. This is not a reason to consider yourself a worthless loser, all this is the result of psychophysiological processes.
Aging stage (sthenic). In the result that at the previous phase the person did not observe fourth dimension to rest and recuperate, the stage of endurance begins: it becomes difficult to fulfill the assigned tasks, fatigue and disappointment accrue. At present the worker begins to wait for the end of the working twenty-four hour period, the weekend, vacation, which simply did not be at the heroic stage. There is less enthusiasm: the attitude of employees and customers becomes indifferent. Illnesses and colds render, the tone drops. This fatigue is still reversible: after slumber and days off, forcefulness is still recovering. The stenic stage can drag on for a very long time, and at that place are two means out of it: success or disease. Upon achieving success, the person, having perked up, returns to the outset, heroic stage, but if everything ends with an illness or some kind of breakup, the employee goes to the third phase.
- Asthenic phase. At this stage, the force ends, weakness, irritability, despair, apathy, emptiness arise. The rest authorities is completely violated: in the morning a person feels worst of all, in the afternoon there is an interest in work, in the evening - excitement and indisposition. Now nosotros have to resort to active stimulation: in the morning - java, in the evenings - sleeping pills or booze. This stage corresponds to a state of chronic distress (chronic tension resulting from prolonged stress). Information technology is impossible not to notice this condition: the efficiency of work is greatly reduced, memory and attention deteriorate, serious "punctures" announced in the piece of work. The attitude towards others becomes sharply negative: a person cannot fifty-fifty encounter clients, communication with colleagues is profoundly deteriorating. The bad news is that a lot of problems arise with self-attitude at this stage: the employee feels himself to be a worthless insignificance. At that place are 2 ways out: rest or lingering disease - if you do non listen to your body, it will make you draw attending to itself. Experienced Hr specialists know: after a change in the company's corporate policy and stricter requirements for employees, the number of ill leave during the twelvemonth increases dramatically. It is undesirable to stay at this stage for a long time, and outside support and good remainder are especially of import for a workaholic.
- The stage of professional deformation. Ignoring Phase 3? Get a kind of "working machinery", a person who supplanted all feelings and left only working options. He will look at colleagues and clients as an object, a unit: he performs his functions, simply does not enter into personal relationships. Yous've probably seen such people: a tired doctor at a district clinic or a cashier who looks at customers as part of the interior. It is interesting that physically a person can experience normal, merely interest in piece of work and life in general at this stage has already been lost. It is very hard to become out of the deformation phase - the workaholic believes that he is "but doing his task," and there is no problem. Recommendations: as we accept already said, it is very hard to exit of this phase, therefore the result of prevention is relevant. Well, for the prevention of burnout, aspects such as awareness and motivation are very important. Periodically inquire yourself ii questions: "Is there a point in what I am doing?" and "Practise I enjoy my work?" We all wait at the world soberly and are aware that even the piece of work nosotros dear sometimes gets irksome, only nonetheless the feeling of satisfaction should prevail. If "everything is wrong and everything is wrong" - maybe you are doing something wrong?
- Listen to yourself. It is very important to independently regulate your ain physical and emotional land - pay attending to well-being, balance between practiced piece of work and good balance, and also objectively assessed their own capabilities and limits.
- Don't forget about your holiday. It is non for nothing that compulsory leave is stipulated by the Labor Code: you lot should not neglect it, and remember - 2 weeks of uninterrupted holiday are due to all, even extremely important, irreplaceable employees.
- Look for ways to recuperate. Communicate with loved ones, practise not give up your hobbies, find time for leisure: your whole life cannot be reduced to just one job, no thing how wonderful, beloved and prestigious it may be.
- Sometimes it is helpful to change jobs. Perhaps in some other visitor in a similar position, you volition feel much more comfortable simply because the company'southward direction has a softer policy towards its employees. Again, it is better to learn most such things "from the inside", from the employees themselves.
Needless to say, any enterprise and any field of activity is supported past a handful of enthusiastic workaholics. The only question is: how does this very "handful" feel? A dilemma arises: aren't not bad accomplishments and discoveries worth dedicating yourself to? From the bespeak of view of psychology, they are non: psychologists are always most worried most the preservation of the psychological health and well-being of each person, and not for the good of all mankind.
Practicing psychologist
What is workaholism?
Workaholism is a sign of psychological distress: a person "hides behind work" due to the loss of the ability to fully communicate with others and to go away from their ain unresolved, often psychological, problems.
This disorder is based on a feeling of inferiority and a want to recoup for this in some way. As a result - deep depression, turning into chronic.
At the heart of depression is the feeling of grief at the loss of an object (mother), which, accordingly, indicates a violation of the mother / kid interaction in early on childhood, in the flow from 1 to iii years. A distinctive feature of workaholism is the presence of "Over Thought". Due to the "emotionally absent" or "functional mother" in early childhood, the child begins to turn on the protection, namely the mechanism of compensation and the search for the missing object outside.
The kid has the illusion that he can find a substitute for mother's love and support in "business" relationships, for instance, at schoolhouse or in the sports section. The teenager begins to concentrate his life free energy at one signal, in club to receive attention thanks to "outstanding" achievements.
Commonly, these are children who are not distinguished by a special "souvenir", but achieve the effect by "cramming". As a result, when receiving tangible success in their "professional" activities, this mode of behavior is successfully consolidated and is leading in all areas of life.
Despite the fact that, fifty-fifty having entered into such a long-awaited love relationship, with his "object of adoration" (and the way to reach the result remains the aforementioned - perseverance), the principal focus of attention remains on the object that "replaced" the female parent, namely career.
Therefore, family unit relationships for workaholics, equally a dominion, exercise non work out.
When achieving "outstanding" results in the chosen professional field, or, conversely, the collapse of a career (military, athletes, representatives of prove business), a person is not gear up for the fact that in that location is an excess of vital energy, since having reached a certain level, work is already does not require such large energy investments. As a result, the individual once more feels the loss of the "object".
A person feels the meaninglessness of all that he did, devalues the results obtained and tries to find a new "prepare idea" in lodge to experience loved and needed.
There is too an option in which in that location is no devaluation of one'due south "Super Thought", but then complete emotional burnout occurs, leading to complete mental and concrete exhaustion or death at the "workplace".
The risk group, in my opinion, includes such professions: rescuers, the armed forces, intelligence operatives, athletes, representatives of show business and many other professions associated with a chance to life!
The consequences of workaholism
The main consequence of thugolism is habit! Since work in this case is a "crutch" that supports and provides a fulcrum.
This is akin to alcohol and drug addiction, when a person tin no longer be without stimulants. As well, as mentioned above, the event is a chronic depressive country with somatic manifestations. In the most severe cases, suicidal thoughts and attempts at suicide are possible, often successfully implemented!
The workaholic himself is able to admit that he is sick, but this does not happen immediately. Rather, he understands that he is suffering and cannot understand what the reason is. Then the search for reasons and cocky-knowledge begins. It is in this process that the understanding of the primary reasons occurs. This is commonly referred to every bit a midlife crunch.
Workaholism treatment
The treatment, in my opinion, is quite long. Psychoanalysis, Jungian analysis, all types of long-term psychotherapy are suitable here. This is due, firstly, to the fact that the main reason lies in afar childhood, about which the patient may have no recollections due to infantile amnesia and repression, and secondly, with his feeling of his own inferiority.
The therapist's chore is to strengthen the patient's own "I", to show his successful and self-sufficient facets of the personality, which are often non recognized and denied, to support the client in his search for new interests and meanings in life.
How to cure workaholism on your ain?
In my stance, addiction cannot be cured on its own, since an individual, for many years, has in his arsenal merely one way to cope with addiction - to create a new one!
An case of this is the numerous cases when an alcoholic stops drinking harshly and goes headlong into faith. It is good if a person falls into the bosom of a church or some other official confessions, just there is a great adventure of joining the ranks of some sectarian pedagogy, which, accordingly, volition just increment dependence! In any case, outside support is needed.
Prevention of workaholism
Prevention of workaholism should be carried out even before the nascence of a child among future parents, consisting in teaching and clarifying the parental function.
For those who are already an adult, read this commodity and feel that "everything is at pale", I can advise them to undergo personal psychotherapy or assay, in the modality that suits their tastes and worldview.
Independent attempts to cope with this situation can lead to the emergence of more stable addictions and the emergence of chronic depression, with all the ensuing consequences!
The chief thing is to retrieve that the globe is diverse and abundant, and y'all are not lonely, even in the most difficult and drastic situation. There will ever exist those who can support and help in difficult times!
Yous shouldn't shut yourself upwards, y'all need to talk almost your problems! After all, a person has many dissimilar ways of obtaining information, and liberation from this information is possible merely with the assistance of words! Therefore, practice not exist silent about your problems and may everything be fine with y'all!
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You love to work, strive to earn as much as possible, so that everything is "like normal people"? Or working from morning to night, practice you run away from other bug? Since the terminate of the 20th century, the term "workaholism" has appeared in the terminology of psychologists, which, forth with drugs and alcohol, ruins a person's life. Working a lot does not always mean being useful, often workaholics come upward with things for themselves, only to stay late at the office. What are the causes of workaholism, and how to deal with them, we will tell you in our today's article.
Signs of workaholism are clearly visible to people from the outside. If a person lives simply by work, giving upward entertainment and personal life, then he should be wary - main feature workaholism has already manifested itself.
Also, workaholics experience happiness just during work, and on weekends they are about often annoyed and unhappy with everyone around them. All this is explained quite simply - they go satisfaction from the piece of work process, during which endorphins ("hormones of happiness") are released. When endorphins are non enough, workaholics need to get a new dose over again, so they work harder and harder.
Workaholics experience happiness just when they go to piece of work.
Workaholics try to avert vacations, considering without work, like "drug addicts" they will feel a state of "withdrawal". Doctors annotation that in the brain of a workaholic at this fourth dimension, the same areas are activated every bit in alcoholics and people with addiction to gambling. But even if such a person takes a vacation, he will not be able to fully residual and relax. Workaholics experience all piece of work problems and issues as personal, so this ultimately leads to severe low, stress and, equally a upshot, a hospital bed.
More than recently, Finnish and English language scientists have concluded that working norm for a person it is vii-8 hours a twenty-four hour period. Everything from to a higher place is a sign of workaholism.
Now allow's turn to the causes of the illness. What do workaholics run from to work? Near often, this is how people supervene upon their friends, family, amusement, and even a soul mate. When relationships with others do not work out, these people go headlong into work. Work becomes a shield from the outside globe, with its ain difficulties and problems. People suffering from this addiction either exercise not have a personal life, or have very strained relations with their family, they practice not have friends and do not enjoy say-so from others.
Non-stop work oftentimes becomes a reason for quarrels with family and friends.
According to statistics, men suffer from workaholism more oft, but women suffer information technology much more than heavily. For workaholism and careers, girls often hide insecurity and failure in relationships with the stronger sex activity. They brand fun of housewives, and they themselves weep at night from the absenteeism of a loved one and children.
Who is inclined?
Workaholism is a disease that causes overwork, depression and fifty-fifty personality degradation in people. Only non all people are susceptible to this affliction, only simply a certain function.
Workaholism often causes astringent and prolonged depression, every bit well every bit undermining wellness.
Most oft, people from dysfunctional and needy families become workaholics, where from childhood they get used to doing a large amount of work, and as they grow upwards, they transfer their efforts to piece of work. With their great dedication, they want to prove to themselves and others that they are not like their drinking parents, and they will be able to attain much more in life. They will be able to afford what they could non in babyhood.
The family's only children are besides at gamble of being dependent on work. They are often pinned loftier hopes by their parents, so in order not to allow them downward, workaholics work tirelessly to develop their addiction. It seems to them that they volition let down their relatives, that they volition not justify their hopes.
Losers in honey relationships are also decumbent to workaholism. They hide behind business concern concerns, avoiding personal life and serious relationships with the opposite sex.
Remember: Often when a workaholic breaks abroad from work, he begins to supersede his habit with another addiction: alcohol, gambling and even drugs. Therefore, it is important during this period of time to support the person and monitor his hobbies.
Most oft, artistic people and people engaged in intellectual work are inclined to workaholism. Many actors are susceptible to this disease, since they cannot refuse their next office, they devote a lot of time to filming and spend little time with their family. Also, programmers are susceptible to workaholism, spending twenty-four hour period and nighttime near the monitor, while earning likewise computer habit.
Women, according to statistics, are less susceptible to the problem of workaholism, but they endure information technology much more than heavily.
Types of workaholics
Psychologists take a developed nomenclature of workaholics, which distinguishes between their types and the degree of complexity of addiction.
First option, "Workaholic for the family unit." This type of workaholic explains everything by caring about the state of his family and loved ones. They do not admit their illness and reject the help of doctors.
"Workaholic for myself"- the kind of hard workers who understand that they work hard and acknowledge their addiction. They are more likely to realize themselves that they need treatment.
"Successful workaholic." This type of people achieves sure success in their careers, financially provides their relatives and friends, but does not admit their illness. Doesn't listen to family unit members and friends, refuses treatment and blames everyone for ingratitude.
"Loser workaholic." Despite the large amount of piece of work, he earns piddling, since his work is not appreciated. He himself understands that he is a loser, so he digs into work more and more, hiding from problems.
"The secretive workaholic"... These people understand that they are addicted to piece of work. Therefore, in social club to hide their affliction, they complain about a lot of work, about incomprehensible bosses, but in fact they cannot live a solar day without work.
Handling methods
There is a list of rules for dealing with workaholism, which, together with a visit to a psychologist, helps people get rid of their excessive honey for piece of work.
- Awareness of the illness. First of all, a person on the fashion to combat workaholism must acknowledge that he is addicted. A workaholic must weigh all the pros and cons and decide that information technology is no longer possible to live like this.
- Learning says no. Oft, people with a similar illness help their colleagues by doing some of the work for them. Equally a result, satisfied colleagues go to rest, and workaholics exercise other people'south work, for which they practice not receive additional payments.
Here y'all need to make it clear to those around you that you are simply performing the duties specified in the employment contract with the company. Therefore, it does not concern you what colleagues do non have fourth dimension for, where they are tardily and for what they will be punished.
- Stick to a work schedule. Overloading at work occurs near ofttimes due to the lack of a organization. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to draw up a work schedule, fulfilling the deadlines for which information technology will be possible to avoid delays at work until late at dark.
- Learn to relax. To be productive, you demand to get proper rest. To practice this, you demand to adhere to the work routine. If the working day is from 9 to 6, it means that you should forget nigh work for the remainder of the time. Even if something is unfinished, you need to exit the chore for the morning, and not sit actress hours in a dusty function.
- Learn to cheat. For example, if your work is of the same type, then y'all tin prepare blanks in advance. For case, a template for business letters, documents and reports, which can farther simplify the workflow.
- Conditioning. In order to break away from work, you lot need to do some kind of sport, it will help to distract yourself and help meliorate your wellness.
- In add-on to these tips, y'all need to sign up with a psychologist who will help y'all sort out the problems and lead the person on the right path. Indeed, in life there are many other interesting things and hobbies besides work: sports, family, entertainment and visiting new countries.
A few decades ago, a workaholic person was perceived as a standard, business leaders set such people every bit an case for everyone else, which made workaholics want to work even more than and avidly. What kind of unconscious mechanism affects a person and manifests itself in an unbridled desire to work and ... piece of work?
Workaholic - who is this?
If y'all await closely, in any environment in that location is a person who constantly has no time, he is busy and repeats: "Work - commencement of all!", "You take to work tirelessly!". A workaholic is a person for whom life without work is unthinkable. The desire for work is one of the almost of import human needs, but for a workaholic, this demand sometimes becomes the just goal and the meaning of existence in general. Everything else: family, friends, leisure, satisfaction of personal needs and desires is relegated to the background or indefinitely.
Workaholism in psychology
Workaholism as a grade of addictive behavior is put on a par with such ailment every bit alcoholism. The word "workaholic" sounds like a name-calling or an insult to a person, but the research of the last decades of the XX century. and the publication of the book by the American psychologist W.Due east. Watts' Confessions of a Workaholic - fabricated it possible to await at workaholism as a morbid psychological addiction, the same as craving for alcohol and drugs. The underlying mechanisms are the same:
- moving away from problems into an "alternative" reality;
- getting euphoria and a state of happiness only in this fashion.
Reasons for workaholism
Why people become workaholics is a topical question for people who suddenly realized that apart from work, there is nothing in their life. The reasons for the formed dependence on labor:
- The habit of avoiding problems, scandals in whatsoever activity, formed from babyhood;
- An example of a parental family unit, in which they worked a lot and worked hard, earned little, only had a bunch of regalia: badges, medals, certificates for conscientious work;
- A child, more ofttimes the eldest in the family, in order to earn the dearest of parents and approval, takes responsibility for fulfilling the "adult" responsibilities at dwelling house.
- , significance and necessity through the work performed: "When I am at work, I am worth something, I like myself, respect myself and nothing else!"
- Depression advice skills;
- The euphoria once received and the work noted by the management - reinforce in a person a dependent reaction to feel similar feelings once again.
Signs of workaholism
What separates a workaholic person from an ordinary hardworking denizen? Workaholism is a pathological behavior, and if you await closely at such a person, you tin trace constantly manifested features, or the and then-called "fad" of a workaholic:
- talks but about work;
- uses in speech the words: "must", "must plow", "demand", "work in a higher place the roof";
- periods of weekends and holidays are perceived by a workaholic every bit a waste of time;
- at home all thoughts of work;
- rest and pleasure is not about a workaholic: he feels worthless and restless;
- ignores the needs of the family, all responsibility for solving household issues and the process of raising children lies with the second partner;
- emotional coldness and detachment;
- convinces others that he is working to support the family or comes upwards with some other alibi;
Types of workaholism
Workaholism is unlike and depends on the motives and goals, the nature of the personality of the workaholic. Workaholism nomenclature:
- Social workaholism- in every system and in society equally a whole, there are activists who are ready to volunteer to participate in public works.
- Service workaholism... The most mutual blazon of labor addiction.
- Creative workaholism- people of art are subject to it.
- Sports workaholism- addiction to sports and exercise.
- Habitation workaholism... Women who devote themselves to household chores cannot imagine themselves without everyday chores around the house, which take up all their gratuitous time.
Workaholic - good or bad?
Workaholism cannot be categorized every bit a negative phenomenon. At first, beingness inspired by the piece of work, full dedication to the project can help a person movement upwards the career ladder, offset up, and bring do good to society with their research. Merely the difficulty lies in the fact that a person cannot end in fourth dimension and switch to other areas of life. Workaholism and its consequences:
- sooner or later the quality of the work performed begins to suffer;
- physical and mental fatigue accumulates;
- somatic diseases are formed;
- various mental disorders;
- depression;
- suspension with loved ones.
How to get a workaholic?
It is important to understand that workaholism is an addiction that is difficult to correct and the relationship with a workaholic among other people is far from beingness the virtually pleasant. Merely what if the implementation of the plans is much more priority than everything else. Activities that contribute to condign a workaholic:
- iron discipline;
- willingness to exist lone;
- work in emergency fashion without days off and holidays for a long time.
How to live with a workaholic
A workaholic, a person not inclined to everyday ordinary communication and discussion of issues, it is difficult for such a person to join family or, and if this happens, the soulmate needs to be prepared for the fact that work will accept upward almost of the workaholic's time. Relationship options when the spouse is dependent on work:
- humility and acceptance of a partner as is;
- choose costless time and try to convey to the person pressing problems and concerns for living together;
- suggest going to a psychologist.
How to treat workaholism?
Workaholism is a disease, and treatment is possible simply when a person realizes the existing problem. A visit to a psychologist will help to place the origins of addictive behavior and first living, correcting other areas of life that have been neglected. Group and individual psychotherapy, sometimes with the date of sedatives in severe cases. Female workaholism is more difficult to right and leads to the manifestation of male person, despotism.
How to get rid of workaholism for a adult female - recommendations:
- attending psychological trainings on women's topics;
- strengthening self-esteem;
- after a job well done, even if it causes resistance, allow yourself remainder, entertainment, relaxing procedures;
- first dating.
The most famous workaholics
Famous people are workaholics who have shown past their example that reaching heights is real. These individuals knew what they were doing and had conspicuously defined goals and a desire to exist realized, to give something valuable to social club. The cases where workaholism benefits the earth can exist called positive examples. Notable workaholics:
Films about workaholics
Workaholism is psychological trouble What becomes of people who accept completely devoted themselves to their work and make up one's mind whether the fourth dimension spent is worth information technology, and as a outcome, the work that has passed most of their lives put on the "altar" - you can see and reverberate on this by watching the following films:
- "The Devil Wears Prada"- Miranda - the heroine, played past the cute Meryl Streep - is the model of a tyrannical workaholic woman who works tirelessly. Andrea (Anne Hathaway), a new employee, works around the clock to proceeds a foothold in a new place and prove herself worthy. Very presently, Andrea'south personal life begins to crevice.
- "Social network"- biography picture show most a successful young entrepreneur Mark Zuckerberg. The cost of success is the loss of friends. loneliness and demand from their workers the aforementioned sacrificial workaholism.
- "Kramer vs. Kramer"- an old, kind film that tells that family is the most important matter in life. The hero of Dustin Hoffman, who has devoted himself entirely to his beloved work, is faced with reality: his wife leaves him, leaving him with a six-yr-old son.
- "How to Lose Friends and Make Everyone Detest You"- the title of the film speaks for itself. The path from an unsuccessful journalist to the ranks of the successful thank you to workaholism, will this make the hero of the Sydney tape happy?
- "The wolf of Wall Street"... If you work very hard and hard, volition your dreams come true?
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